Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome to Our Online Book Club!

Hi, Everyone,

Thanks so much for joining. I have been wanting to participate in a book club for a while, but don't seem to have the time to do a physical meeting once a month. Hopefully, this model works better for all of us.

You should have received a link to view a Google doc. I created with a list of possible books, as well as, a list of members. These books are just some quick ideas I jotted down so feel free to add your own suggestions. Not everyone is going to like every book, but I encourage you to try and participate as best you can as use it as a chance to give something new a try.

The Plan:

1. Before the start of each month, I will post that month's book. I will give at least a week so everyone has a chance to get a copy.

2. At the mid-way point I will post a reminder, as well as, a non-spoilery question for you to think about as you read.

3. At the end I will post several questions as a blog post and you can reply to each of them and each other. Hopefully, this builds a good conversation.

4. If there is interest (ie. at least 3 people) I will host a Google Hangout where we can chat about some of the questions and the thoughts on the blog.

5. I thought it would also be fun to share a recipe each month. This is totally optional, but I thought it would make it kind of like a real book club where people bring treats to share.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas! October will be the first official month since September is already underway. I will post the October book soon...

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